Gemma Smith

Licensee / Director

Bachelor of Resource Studies

In 2008 Gemma and Mike Smith identified a real need for quality early childhood care services in the Queenstown area and they set about locating a site on which to build and establish their own childcare center. Four years later Little Rockets was born (now known as Gems).

Gemma comes from a solid background in environmental planning, practicing as a Resource Management Planner and co-owning a local planning consultancy for a total 10 years prior to venturing into the world of Early Childhood Education.

Gemma and Mike's goal was to establish a centre with a natural and homely environment, a place where children, their families and teachers want to be. That initial goal has been achieved in spades. There's no resting on the laurels here though. This go-ahead local couple are totally committed to continuing to improve the service provided and make it the very best.

Gemma has huge respect for the dedication and passion that  the Gems team brings to work on a daily basis. She is proud to say that "their level of commitment and outstanding work ethic is so evident in the standard of service that has been established since we opened. We hope you and your children enjoy the team as much as we do."

In her own time Gemma enjoys sharing her passion for horse riding with her two daughters, savouring rare moments of one on one time with husband Mike, gardening, cooking and being with family and friends who fill her cup. Gemma also holds a number of volunteer roles within the community, which she gets a lot out of.
